1. code.talks Hamburg 2015

    Today I had the pleasure to attend code.talks Hamburg, a not-so-corporate conference for developers taking place for the 3rd time in a large cinema in the center of my original hometown. The event attracts more than 1.500 people to join the talks and consume loads of popcorn and Nachos and thus is one of the biggest developer conferences in Europe. Together with thePHP.cc's Arne Blankerts I gave a talk called "Two Stack CMS", explaining the concept of the same title coined by Martin Fowler.<... Read more

  2. SPHERE.IO and Neos at eCommerce Camp Jena

    A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure to demo an integration of SPHERE.IO and Neos at the eCommerceCamp in Jena. The fine folks at Commercetools invited me to create an integration of Neos with the front-end-less and thus completely API-driven eCommerce solution SPHERE.IO. In just a few days we created a nice showcase which shows how seamless an integration of a shop and a content management system can be done.

    We published the whole project on Github, created a public demo site and eve ... Read more

  3. Inspiring Conference 2015

    A whole week of Neos, in the most intense way: a big part of the Neos team met in Rosenheim last Monday to work for fours days and nights on the next major versions of Neos and Flow, followed by the Inspiring Conference which did its name credit and inspired the audience and team likewise. Read more

  4. Flownative – the First Week

    It's just a week ago that we founded Flownative and a lot has happened since then. In case you were curious about what we do behind the scenes at the moment, this post is for you. Read more

  5. Thank You, TechDivision

    This end of the month isn't like the usual ones; today is also my last day officially working for TechDivision. I'd like shout out a big Thank You for the time I could work at TechDivision as an employee. It has been the first company I've ever been employed at as a software developer and it couldn't have been a better fit. Read more