1. What I learned from crashing

    My MacBook Pro showed some weird behavior over the last weeks: Apps didn't launch, some froze and shutting down MacOS without brute-force-pressing the power button was a rare matter. So I thought, why not try a fresh install of OSX - probably not a bad idea after a few years collecting clutter. And while I released the mouse button after clicking on the "Erase Disk" button I wondered if I had a working backup. Read more

  2. On Speed

    In the release notes of FLOW3 1.0.0 alpha 8 I wrote that we'd care more about development speed than execution speed. During a discussion in the typo3-dev list someone pointed out that he's not comfortable with that – so maybe this needs some further explanation. Read more

  3. Dependency Injection (would be nice)

    After moving the website of my since-almost-the-first-day TYPO3 customer I realized that emails sent by the contact form would not reach their intended destination. After looking for a possible solution I realized that if TYPO3 had already been developed using dependency injection from the start, I'd now have a walk-over integrating a new mailer. Read more

  4. Continuous Delivery

    For almost two years now we use Hudson - the Continuous Integration server - for automizing tests of the FLOW3 and TYPO3 Phoenix projects. Since then this tool has been an invaluable help for spotting bugs and integration issues right after each commit. Inspired by Martin Fowler's CI article we always sought to automize the testing and release process but it needed another book to really enthuse me for the topic. Read more

  5. Debugging FLOW3 Applications

    Throughout the years my team and I have gathered quite some experience with debugging complex PHP applications like one FLOW3 is. Since FLOW3 controls the lifecycle, dependencies, proxy classes and scopes of almost all objects used in an application or the framework itself, the central parts contain a lot of references to other objects which in turn might refer back to central places like the Object Manager. Read more